Box Tops Information

5 years ago

  • There are more than 250 participating products in 42 food and non-food categories that carry Box Tops on their packages
  • Each Box Tops clip is worth 10 cents
  • It’s simple. Buy the products; clip the Box Tops; send the Box Tops to school.
  • The library will receive a check twice a year to buy books and materials


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Ink Cartridge Information

6 years ago

Our school has launched a recycling and fundraising program with the help of an inkjet recycling company called Empties4Cash.  Here is what the Empties4Cash program is about:

  • The empty inkjet cartridges that we usually throw away as trash can be recycled and remanufactured.
  • Bring those empty cartridges to school and put them in one of our collection boxes.
  • Our school gets paid up to $4.00 for each empty inkjet cartridge that has a print head, regardless of the brand or type.

Remember :

  • Put the cartridge in the original box that you would have thrown away after it has been replaced to keep it safe from damages and spills, or a Ziploc bag.

Donated Books

6 years ago

The Council High Library is interested in receiving donated books.

Our needs pertain to all areas of the curriculum including fiction and nonfiction books.  Because of durability, hardback books are preferred; however, paperbacks are always welcome.  It is very important that the content be up-to-date and appropriate for our age group (13-18 yrs.).

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